‘Why arrange Boccherini concertos? To bring out the colours, rhythms, dances, melodies and countermelodies. To reinvent our roles or to exchange them like a game, from one page to another. To make us feel as if we’re on a tightrope. To take advantage of the space of freedom provided by the cadenza to imagine little musical scenarios, stories within the story. Like dreams that have their own logic, their own timescale. So those dreams suddenly yet imperceptibly plunge us into repetitive music, a procession in Spain, a jazz cadenza, an opera... and then we emerge to be reunited with Boccherini, who seems to be the first to enjoy these escapades.’ – Sonia Wieder-Atherton Concertos G479, 477, 476 by Luigi Boccherini. Cadenzas by Sonia WiederAtherton ‘in the footsteps of Miles Davis’, Eric Dolphy, G. F. Handel, Igor Stravinsky, György Kurtág, Michael Riesman. With Françoise Rivalland (cimbalom), Amaryllis Billet (violin), Rémi Magnan (double bass), Robin Billet (bassoon).